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ZIYANDA Consulting welcomes new appointees

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15 February 2017

ZIYANDA Consulting has partnered with JOAT Consulting to tender and win an opportunity to further enhance old and build new relationships with Ugu District Municipality and JOAT Consulting, respectively. The opportunity for enhancing and building new relationships is through a 3 year contract in the project for the “PROVISION OF SPECIALISED CONTRACT MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE WATER CONSERVATION AND WATER DEMAND MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN THE UGU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY FOR A PERIOD OF 3 YEARS”.  It is hoped that this project will achieve the following outcomes;

  • Improved strategic approach to Water Conservation and Demand Management,
  • Improved level and extent of services through the reduction of water losses, reduced pipe breaks and the elimination of intermittent supply
  • Improved revenue collection through improved metering and the associated metering value chain
  • Improved compliance and scores on identified KPIs and national programmes such as the No Drop Incentive Based Regulation
  • Improved asset life through better operation and management of water infrastructure

This project aligns well with ZIYANDA strategic objectives of developing new products/tools in addition to the “hard” engineering products, that ZIYANDA Consulting has implemented successfully and continues to implement.

Further details can be obtained from Nkosi Malishe/Gasa Mlambo/Stanley Mgutshini via email at ziyanda@ziyandaconsulting.co.za