Quality Management System : BASER Fill in the form below and submit accordingly, Alternatively click to download fillable form. 1. Request Details 1.1 Date and Time of Request* 1.2 Date and Time of Inspection Required* 1.3 Date and time of Delivery of Request* 1.4 Details of Section of Work to be Inspected/Approved* Request checked by site agent*: Please Select: YesNo Signature of Site Agent : Upload Digital Signature? (png,jpg,gif)NoYes Please sign below: Signature of Recipient (Engineer’s Representative)*: Upload Digital Signature (png,jpg,gif)?NoYes Please sign below: 2. Inspection 2.1 Location/Start Point* 2.2 Latest drawings used*:Please SelectYesNo 2.3 Base material/depth to specification*:Please SelectYesNo 2.4 Compaction to specification*:Please SelectYesNo 2.5 Levels, crossfalls & grades correct*:Please SelectYesNo 2.6 Fill & cut slopes as specified*:Please SelectYesNo 2.7 Surface drainage as specified*:Please SelectYesNo 2.8 Subsoil drainage in place*:Please SelectYesNo 2.9 Surface finish acceptable*:Please SelectYesNo Date Inspected*: 3. Approval The base, as detailed above, has been* Please SelectApprovedNot Approved The contractor can now commence with the surfacing for the above portion of the Works. In the case of NON approval, the contractor is to rectify the following*: Name* Signature: Upload Digital Signature?: NoYesPlease sign below: