Quality Management System : SUBGRADE Fill in the form below and submit accordingly, Alternatively click to download fillable form. 1. Request Details 1.1 Date and Time of Request* 1.2 Date and Time of Inspection Required* 1.3 Date and time of Delivery of Request* 1.4 Details of Section of Work to be Inspected/Approved* Request checked by site agent: Please Select: YesNo Signature of Site Agent: Upload Digital Signature? (png,jpg,gif)NoYes Please sign below: Signature of Recipient (Engineer’s Representative): Upload Digital Signature (png,jpg,gif)?NoYes Please sign below: 2. Inspection 2.1 Location/Start Point* 2.2 Latest drawings used*:Please SelectYesNo 2.3 In-situ compaction to specification*:Please SelectYesNo 2.4 Fill material/depth to specification*:Please SelectYesNo 2.5 Compaction to specification*:Please SelectYesNo 2.6 Levels, crossfalls & grades correct*:Please SelectYesNo 2.7 Fill & cut slopes as specified*:Please SelectYesNo 2.8 Surface drainage as specified*:Please SelectYesNo 2.9 Subsoil drainage in place*:Please SelectYesNo 2.10 Surface finish acceptable*:Please SelectYesNo Date Inspected*: 4. Approval The earthworks, as detailed above, have been* Please SelectApprovedNot Approved The contractor can now commence with excavations for the above portion of the Works. In the case of NON approval, the contractor is to rectify the following*: Name* Signature: Upload Digital Signature?: NoYesPlease sign below: