ZIYANDA staff have joined the rest of South Africa in the “Covid 19” lockdown as announced by the President of South Africa. The initial lockdown period as announced extends up to the end of April 2020. During this period, a number of issues still remain uncertain and beyond our control. However as emphasised by many, our health and that of the community around us remain utmost.
In line with the principles of “social distancing” our main offices and sites (with exception of exempted sites) are temporarily closed until the official end of “lockdown”. All attempts have been made to leave site safe during the period.
Many of our staff are equipped to work off-site. Some computer-based work will be possible. As a consequence, ZIYANDA Consulting may be able to attend to queries related to the offices’ activities. The queries can be directed to or
During the lockdown, we urge all South Africans and residents of South Africa to abide by the lockdown rules as espoused by Government.
ZIYANDA Consulting wishes the public at large and all its stakeholders a successful “lockdown” and good health during and beyond the lockdown.
We are all in this together. We will overcome