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Construction activities

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New Construction Activities

(a) Southern Mains Augmentation and Water Supply to Gamalakhe Township

The southern mains augmentation pipeline (600mm continuously welded) has commenced with operations on the pipeline site itself commencing in June 2014. The contractor for the project is Sizabonke Civils cc t/a Pilcon Projects.

This contract is part of a number of contracts aimed at augmenting supplies to the urban and southern coastal strip of Port Shepstone, Shelly Beach, Uvongo and Margate and also securing a guaranteed water supply to Gamalakhe Township. Other associated contracts have been tendered out and are still pending award.

The ZIYANDA team is excited to be part of this “flagship” project. Team members directly involved in the contract/project are Nkosi Malishe, Owen Moyo, Patrick Maisiri & Stanley Mgutshini.

(b) Mbangayiya Roads – Phase 2

Construction for Phase 2 of the Mbangayiya Township Internal Roads has commenced. The contract is due for completion in/about August/September 2014. The contractor for the project is Wonder Dream. The ZIYANDA team actively involved in the project include, Langelihle Mkhize, Owen Moyo and Stanley Mgutshini.
